Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away!

July 1 - Not much to say, we woke up to rain, found that it was supposed to rain, ALL DAY!  Mark, the boys and I drove into Cortez to explore the city and decided to see "Man of Steel" at a local theater. The girls stayed back at the house and hung out with the tv, dvd player and Rose's Justin Bieber dvd.....

With no storm sewer system, the roads flooded quickly!

July 2 -  The sunny paradise weather is back! After sunning ourselves like lizards on a rock, we found a surf shop where the girls each bought "Penny" skateboards and Mark bought something called a "Longboard." The kids spent the rest of the day sharpening their skills skateboarding with Mark being the only one ending up with an injury.....old dog, new trick thing comes to mind!


Here on the island there is the iconic restaurant, Rod & Reel Pier where we went for dinner. It was neat having pelicans flying and waves all around us while eating, it was very good! The seafood was "Off the hook" fresh! (Pun intended!)   Check out this link to the restaurant....





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